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Prepare to be heard
World-class preaching resources
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Questions Catholics Ask
How can I explain transubstantiation to others?
First, you can say that we believe that the bread and wine at Mass become the Body and Blood of Christ. Then add your own experience of encountering Real Presence.
Homily of the month image
Homily of the month
We need this night
"Silent night, holy night . . . " These words have priority of place, as we celebrate the awesome gift of the Word made flesh, under a cloak of darkness. The midnight liturgy makes the stillness a holy place into which God comes, writes Vicki Ix in our featured homily for Christmas.
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Watch our how-to video
Quick-start guide to finding your favorite features
We built the PREPARE THE WORD website to be simple to navigate, once you get the hang of it. Please take a few minutes to view this tutorial screencast, and you'll be zipping around PREPARE THE WORD in no time!