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PREPARE THE WORD puts a robust library of resources at your fingertips featuring award-winning insights from Alice Camille, Fr. Dom Grassi, Fr. Larry Janowski, Dan Grippo, Patrice Tuohy, and other respected Catholic authors. You will find superb scripture reflections and stories for weekday and Sunday liturgies; sample homilies for funerals, holy days, feasts, and special occasions; tips for better preaching; and homily hints that link your message to current events in the world of your parishioners.

And the benefits don't stop there.

You also have access to Take Five for Faith daily reflections, that are linked to the traditions and saints featured in the liturgical calendar and also laid out for easy bulletin insertion that parish staff find particularly invaluable.

And there's the Questions Catholics Ask column by Alice Camille, offering church history and perspective on the concerns, questions, and faith-formation needs of your parish community.

Plus parish ministers and bulletin editors can mine the riches of PREPARE THE WORD for bulletin content, web posts, discussion starters, and lesson plans. 

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