
We are at your service.

PREPARE THE WORD is designed to help preachers prepare homilies that hit home and nourish and strengthen the faith of the people they serve.

We provide incisive exegetical commentary, homily stories, quotes, daily reflections, and sample homilies for feasts, sacraments, and special occasions.

In addition we hope to ensure that all parish ministers have engaging, enlightening, and trustworthy content to use for preaching, teaching, and distributing to the members they serve.

We are intimately familiar with the work of preachers and parish ministers and know the expectations that come with the job. Because of this, we take our mission very seriously—we see our work as a very real extension of the ministry of our subscribers.

We're grateful to be partners in ministry.

©2025 by TrueQuest Communications, LLC. PrepareTheWord.com; 312-356-9900; mail@preparetheword.com. You may reprint any material from Prepare the Word in your bulletin or other parish communications you distribute free of charge with the following credit: Reprinted with permission from Prepare the Word ( ©2025 ), www.PrepareTheWord.com.