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Log in and go to My Account to update your subscription information, add users, pay an invoice.

Log in and select My Account

Make a selection from the menu on the left of the page

  • Profile (view current information)
  • Edit profile (edit name and address)
  • Edit email (edit/update email)
  • Change password
  • Licensees (add additional users to your account)
  • Pay an invoice

Questions? Call 1-312-356-9900 or email us at mail@preparetheword.com

©2025 by TrueQuest Communications, LLC. PrepareTheWord.com; 312-356-9900; mail@preparetheword.com. You may reprint any material from Prepare the Word in your bulletin or other parish communications you distribute free of charge with the following credit: Reprinted with permission from Prepare the Word ( ©2025 ), www.PrepareTheWord.com.