
15 Jul 2018

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B Click here for all content for this cycle Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B


Amos 7:12-15  Amos insists that being a prophet was not his idea, but God’s.

Psalm 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14  When justice and peace finally kiss, truth will emerge in the world.

Ephesians 1:3-14  Every spiritual blessing comes about in Christ, who is the sum of all things.

Mark 6:7-13  The 12 apostles are not professionals, but they get the job done on mission.

The inner word image

The inner word

What’s in your heart?

Jesus instructs his disciples to possess nothing for their journey of evangelization. He stresses the need to be divested of the world in order to be totally invested in the Kingdom.

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Exploring the word

How to be church

As practicing believers, it seems we spend our lives taking church lessons. Some of us had more formal lessons in parochial school or religious ed, but all of us are participating in a course in ecclesiology just by being in the pews. Not all that we learn is useful, and unhappily, not all that we absorb is true.

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In other words image

In other words

The Sunday gospel in everyday English

Jesus told them, “A prophet has little honor in his hometown, among his relatives, on the streets he played in as a child.” Jesus wasn’t able to do much of anything there—he laid hands on a few sick people and healed them, that’s all. He couldn’t get over their stubbornness. He left and made a circuit of the other villages, teaching.

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

All in a day's praise

Taking Saint Paul’s teaching to heart, Sam woke up praising God’s glory. He thanked God for the beautiful summer sun and the gentle breeze wafting through his window. As he washed his face, he was overcome with gratitude for the life-giving water on his skin. He buried his head in a soft cotton towel and breathed deeply.

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Homily stories

On the road

"I‘ve brought you the Eucharist,” says Joseph, the head catechist for the Diocese of Leribe in the African country of Lesotho, to a group of elderly villagers. In addition to his service as eucharistic minister, he also visits the sick, holds prayer meetings, and teaches, including instructing those preparing for Baptism.

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Prayers image


Penitential Act & Prayer of the Faithful

Gathered as church, we pray to our God who grants us forgiveness.

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Whether it is right in God’s sight to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge; for we cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard.

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