
19 Oct 2008

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A Click here for all content for this cycle Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A


Isaiah 45:1, 4-6
Cyrus, the pagan Persian king, is shown to be a friend of God.

Psalm 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10
The family of nations together gives praise and honor to God.

1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b
Paul and his team continue to spread the gospel to the world at large.

Matthew 22:15-21
Jesus didn’t see Caesar as the problem: His own people were!

The inner word image

The inner word

What’s in your heart?

Jesus snares the Pharisees in their own trap in today’s gospel with his brilliant teaching to “render unto Caesar . . . . ” Their hypocrisy is revealed for all to see.

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Who's listening?

Who is in your audience?

It was usual for ancient people to include in their letters a prayer or blessing for the recipient, and Saint Paul was no different, offering thanksgivings in one form or another in almost all his letters, including 1 Thessalonians, where he praises the community for continuing the work he and his colleagues began.

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Exploring the word image

Exploring the word

The enemy within

Who’s your worst enemy? Not knowing a single thing about your life, I can make a pretty good guess. It’s not your boss, your mate, your rival, or that fifth-grade teacher who always had it in for you. No, our own worst enemy is usually ourselves.

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

Taking back our hearts

These days “render unto Caesar” has got to be one of the most oft-quoted passages of the Bible, along with “an eye for an eye.”

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

Jesus is on the phone

The fact that God can work even through someone like a Cyrus reveals how the divine often shows up in unexpected ways.

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Prayers image


Penitential Act & Prayer of the Faithful

We give thanks to God always for the gospel that comes to us in power and in the Holy Spirit. Pray that we receive it with much conviction and live by its teachings.

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Homily themes image

Homily themes

Notes on the text

We give thanks always to God for all of you. The beginning of the earliest book of the New Testament offers some themes that are important for Saint Paul. It also speaks of what could be the central question this week’s readings pose: Through whom does God work?

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Quotes image


Any day, any minute we bless God for our being or for anything, for food, for sunlight, we do and are what we were meant for, made for—things that give and mean to give God glory.

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