
11 Jan 2009

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Cycle B Click here for all content for this cycle Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Cycle B


Isaiah 55:1-11 The prophet invites us to seek the Lord, who satisfies every longing.

Isaiah 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 At the springs of salvation are the waters that inspire joy.

1 John 5:1-9 Love of God is proven not by words but in a life of obedient faithfulness.

Mark 1:7-11 By a sign from heaven Jesus is publicly recognized as the Beloved Son.

The inner word image

The inner word

What’s in your heart?

We all like to be told, “Good job.” It’s even better to be told, “You’re a really great person.” Deep in our hearts, we all long to hear the words that Jesus heard as he broke through the waters of the Jordan at his baptism: “You are my beloved child of whom I am well pleased.”

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Who's listening?

Who is in your audience?

January is a big month for health club memberships. As the new year begins, a lot of the people in the pews may be struggling with “resolutions” they made at the beginning of the year. It’s tempting to believe that unless I can change my looks, my weight, my behavior, I am worth nothing.

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Exploring the word image

Exploring the word

The water’s fine

January’s probably not the month most of us like to go swimming. I’ve heard of groups that take a swim in the ocean every January 1, but that sort of chilling experience is not how I personally want to dive into 2009.

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

In God's hands

A nervous mother telephoned the priest just a week before the scheduled baptism of her baby. She had heard that when he baptized babies, he immersed them in the water of the font.

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

Praise one another

Praise—much more than money—is probably the single most effective human motivator. Sycophantic flattery won’t do. It must be genuine commendation for a job well done or a decision well made.

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

Whose kid is this?

I got in a lot of trouble in grammar school. And though I didn’t like staying after school, the punishment I really hated was hearing that my behavior “reflected badly on my parents.” 

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Prayers image


Prayer of the Faithful

On our Lord Jesus Christ God’s favor rests. In faith and praise we offer our intercessions and respond, Glory to God!

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Homily themes image

Homily themes

Notes on the text

The first mention of the Jordan River in Hebrew scripture is when Abraham and Lot parted company: “And Lot lifted up his eyes, and saw that the Jordan valley was well-watered everywhere like the garden of the Lord” (Gen. 13:10-11). Jacob was renamed Israel at the ford of the Jabbok River, a tributary of the Jordan (Gen. 32:22-28).

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Quotes image


Jesus rises from the waters; the world rises with him. —Saint Gregory of Nazianzen (329?-390)

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