
29 Mar 2015

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Cycle B Click here for all content for this cycle Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Cycle B


Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16 Jesus chooses deliberate signs of kingship as he enters Jerusalem.
Isaiah 50:4-7 The faithful servant suffers abuse for speaking a wakeful word.
Psalm 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 In the psalmist’s cry we recognize the hour of Jesus’ anguish and glory.
Philippians 2:6-11 Paul traces the parabola of humility and exaltation that is the journey of Christ.
Mark 14:1—15:47 An ensemble of characters, known and unknown, makes up the Passion story of Jesus.

The inner word image

The inner word

What’s in your heart?

On the Mount of Olives Jesus said three things would happen: His disciples would flee; one of his closest disciples, Peter, would deny knowing him not once but three times; and after his Resurrection he would go ahead of his band of followers to Galilee.

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Exploring the word image

Exploring the word

Supporting roles to play

They are everywhere in the familiar account of the Passion. People whose names we don’t know but who play their part in the greatest story ever told. There are the major figures too: Peter and Judas, Caiaphas and Pilate, Simon the Cyrene and Barabbas the criminal, the Marys at the cross and tomb, as well as Joseph of Arimathea. If we were to create a Passion diorama to match the Christmas crèche, we’d surely include characters like these in the scene.

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In other words image

In other words

The Sunday gospel in everyday English

The disciples came to the city . . . and prepared the Passover meal.

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

Take a closer walk

The first day of Holy Week is Passion Sunday. Its more popular title, Palm Sunday, evokes the waving branches, the Hosannas, the welcoming “red carpet” made of the robes and garments of the crowd. The branches in our hands today place us squarely in the crowd. And crowds can have power. Think of recent political “bloodless” revolutions, of Je suis Charlie, of the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2013, or the effect of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s March for Peace in 1965.

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Prayers image


Penitential Act & Prayer of the Faithful

O God, you hear our prayers and have not abandoned us. For this we praise you and give you thanks, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

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Homily themes image

Homily themes

Notes on the text

"The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced.” The readings for Passion Sunday seem almost like a choosing of sides: Those who understand Jesus go here, while those who don’t go there. Among the latter you will find the religious authorities of the day, of course, who opposed Jesus at every step. There is also the Jerusalem crowd: Jesus entered the city like a prophet and they gave him the royal treatment, yet he wasn’t quite the messiah many were expecting. The dividing line is the willingness to see Jesus not only as the Messiah but also as a suffering one, and to understand that following him means embracing the entire experience, the costs as well as the blessings of discipleship.

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Quotes image


Learning to trust—that is the great thing. —Bede Griffiths (1906-1993)

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