
5 Apr 2015

Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord (Easter Sunday), Cycle B Click here for all content for this cycle Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord (Easter Sunday), Cycle B


Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43 What happened in Judea is now known the world over.
Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 The wonder of this day can only be answered with a grateful life.
Colossians 3:1-4 or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 Celebrate this feast with fresh dough and new yeast: sincerity and truth.
John 20:1-9 or Mark 16:1-7 or Luke 24:13-35 The race is on to fathom the mystery of Easter morning.

The inner word image

The inner word

What’s in your heart?

In John’s gospel, confusion reigned at the empty tomb of Jesus. Mary of Magdala thought the body had been taken. Peter could not understand what was happening. Only the “disciple whom Jesus loved” grasped the meaning of the situation. For the “beloved disciple,” it seems, the burial cloth neatly rolled in a corner merely confirmed what he or she already suspected: Christ would be raised from the dead. You can sympathize with Mary’s jumping to a conclusion or Peter’s mystification, but what about the other disciple? Do you think that love can open your heart and mind to both faith and knowledge? How?

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Exploring the word image

Exploring the word

A new day dawns

NEW LIFE IS always something of a mystery. Take a look into the face of a newborn, and you hardly have words to express what you see. A life so delicate, unspoiled, full of possibility and grace: what worlds are contained in every new child! New life is a promise, a sign of hope, and certainly a reason to rejoice and be grateful. The whole world seems born again in the event of a new life.

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In other words image

In other words

The Sunday gospel in everyday English

Early in the morning on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone was moved away from the entrance. She ran at once to Simon Peter and the other disciple, breathlessly panting, “They took the Master from the tomb. We don’t know where they’ve put him.”

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

Out with the old

At a family dinner one year, we all went around the table and said what we were giving up for Lent. It was the typical litany of sacrifices that people usually make. My nephew, Patrick, who was 4 years old at the time, was also there, pushing the food he didn’t want to eat around his plate, not caring at all about our adult discussion.

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Prayers image


Penitential Act & Prayer of the Faithful

Loving God, you raised your Son to your right hand. With trust in your mercy that endures forever, we make prayers in the name of Jesus, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and always.

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Homily themes image

Homily themes

Notes on the text

“You know what has happened all over Judea.” Repeatedly in the early church Christians were called upon to defend their beliefs, and some of these explanations, like Saint Peter’s speech in Acts in this weekend’s readings, sound a lot like a creed.

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Quotes image


I . . . have faith in the cross . . . as the revelation of the “way” or “path” of transformation, as the revelation of the depth of God’s love for us, and as the proclamation of radical grace. —Marcus J. Borg, The Heart of Christianity

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