
3 Apr 2022

Fifth Sunday of Lent, Cycle C Click here for all content for this cycle Fifth Sunday of Lent, Cycle C


Isaiah 43:16-21  God prostrates enemy armies and makes a way through the desert for us to follow.

Psalm 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6  Captivity turns into release, labor into harvest, and weeping into rejoicing when the Lord restores us.

Philippians 3:8-14  Losing all for the sake of Christ is gaining everything that can be gained.

John 8:1-11  A woman caught in sin is released by the mercy of Christ.

Link to Cycle A RCIA materials for the Fifth Sunday of Lent.

More resources for the month available in Seasonal notes.

Homilist’s overview of April image

Homilist’s overview of April

Liturgical themes and feasts

Our observance of Lent, with its emphasis on penitential reflection and restorative action, ends. The Novena of Grace for healing through the intercession of Francis Xavier (4-12) continues to be relevant as the pandemic's effect is still felt around the world. The season of new life, joy, and praise begins at Easter (17). This spring, we might focus our celebration in praise of the natural world and the bountiful gift of life in all its variety.

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The inner word image

The inner word

What’s in your heart?

Lent begins to draw to a close, and it is time to consider where your Lenten journey has led. The readings this week encourage you to deal with both what lays behind and ahead on this path.

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Exploring the word image

Exploring the word

What to do with this woman?

It's kind of amusing, really: Scholars aren’t sure what to do with the woman-caught-in-the-act-of-committing-adultery. It would be helpful, too, if we had a shorter name for her, or could identify her beyond her sin.

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

I am doing something new

The life of Christopher Gardner, the man behind the movie The Pursuit of Happyness embodies scripture’s emphasis this week on pursuing an upward calling.

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

A stone's throw

A cartoon in a Catholic magazine decades ago portrayed the scene in today’s gospel: Jesus has just lazily doodled in the sand and gotten the attention of the self-righteous assembled crowd—their hands tightly gripping rocks with which to stone the woman caught in adultery.

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Prayers image


Penitential Act & Prayer of the Faithful

On this last Sunday before Palm Sunday and Holy Week, we ask God to prepare our hearts.

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Quotes image


In this life guilt is not atoned for by any suffering simply as suffering, but rather by suffering borne with desire, love, and contrition of heart. The value is not in the suffering but in the soul’s desire.

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