Preaching the news

25 Sep 2016

Preaching the News for the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Will refugees be given shelter from the storms they flee? | Quote of the week | Fact of the week


Amos 6:1a, 4-7  The self-satisfied don’t concern themselves with those who suffer. They should.

Psalm 146:7, 8-9, 9-10  God doesn’t forget the hungry, the prisoner, the blind, or the stranger.

1 Timothy 6:11-16  This world isn’t the only one in which actions will have consequences.

Luke 16:19-31  Lazarus suffers, but the rich man doesn’t see how this is his problem.

Will refugees be given shelter from the storms they flee?

We are warned this Sunday against turning our backs on those who suffer, as in the gospel parable where the rich man suffers a tormented afterlife because in life he turned his back on the suffering of tormented Lazarus who languished at his door. Abraham lets the rich man know that “between us and you a great chasm is established to prevent anyone from crossing.”

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Quote of the week

"We will give him a family and he will be our brother."

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Fact of the week

The U.S. public has seldom approved of welcoming large numbers of refugees. A look back at U.S. public opinion from previous decades shows that Americans have consistently opposed admitting large numbers of foreigners fleeing war and oppression, regardless of official government policy.

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