Preaching the News for Sunday
Privacy advocate goes public as intelligence leak source | Facebook founder faces disgruntled investors | Electronic cigarettes spark debate | Nun’s long-cloistered life brought to light
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Privacy advocate goes public as intelligence leak source | Facebook founder faces disgruntled investors | Electronic cigarettes spark debate | Nun’s long-cloistered life brought to light
Questions of law, guilt, and justification are front-and-center in this Sunday’s readings. “Blessed is the one whose fault is taken away,” says the psalmist . . .
In the reading from 2 Samuel this Sunday, King David is found at fault and admits wrongdoing in the death of Uriah and the possession of his wife. Facing accusations . . .
We live by faith, not by justification through the law, the reading from the Letter to the Galatians reminds us. While not wanting to justify the use of the newly popular “electronic cigarettes” . . .
A Pharisee may have invited Jesus to dine with him in this Sunday’s gospel, but it was an anonymous woman who gained his attention and respect for having . . .
“In the midst of forgiving . . . we see the beauty of people who quite often are considered marginal by society.”
According to the U.S. State Department, 11,098 people around the world were killed in terrorist acts in 2012. Ten were Americans.