Preaching the News for Sunday
A farewell to arms? | Christie’s choice | Russia clears the air | No summer Vatican vacation this year
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A farewell to arms? | Christie’s choice | Russia clears the air | No summer Vatican vacation this year
In the second reading this Sunday the apostle Paul speaks openly of how in his former way of life he “persecuted the church of God beyond measure.” In an effort to stem illicit trade in weapons that fuel persecutions, conflicts, and extremists worldwide, more than 65 . . .
In this Sunday’s gospel a man died, leaving his mother in grief, and Jesus chose to respond out of compassion. As the citizens of New Jersey mourn the passing of their longtime senator Frank R. Lautenberg, who died Monday, Governor Chris Christie chose to respond . . .
While Elijah paid a house visit, the first reading this Sunday relates, the son of the mistress of the house fell sick “and his sickness grew more severe until he stopped breathing.” Hoping to prevent a growing number of respiratory illnesses and deaths, Russia . . .
In the reading from the Letter to the Galatians this Sunday, Saint Paul emphasizes his independence from the other apostles in his singular revelation: “Nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me,” he remarks. Pope Francis has taken yet another opportunity to signal . . .
“When stock markets drop ten points it's ‘a tragedy’ but starving children, homeless people dying on our streets, people disposed of like trash—such as the unborn or the elderly—has become the norm.”
Despite being citizens of the wealthiest nation in the world, 24 percent of Americans report they have had trouble putting food on the table in the past 12 months.