Preaching the News for Sunday

Searching for the truth

In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus appears soon after the Resurrection in the midst of a gathering of the disciples. After a five-year investigation, the European Union issued a complaint against the kinds of results that appear . . .

In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus appears soon after the Resurrection in the midst of a gathering of the disciples. After a five-year investigation, the European Union issued a complaint against the kinds of results that appear in Google searches, charging the internet giant with skewing results so that its own shopping service appears ahead of those of competitors. The ruling could change the rules for business online.

Homily hint: It’s a fact of life that businesses large and small try to influence and sway our behavior with their messages. Fair enough, as long as the playing field is level. But without good government oversight, the level of manipulation could get out of hand. Support responsible regulation of business in the interests of fair play and ethical business. 

For more on the EU suit against Google, see: EU accuses Google of hurting consumers, competitors in Web search caseWhat Is at the Heart of Complaint Against Google?; EU accuses Google of abusing Internet search dominance

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