Preaching the News for Sunday

Vatican critiques leadership group of U.S. women religious

The liturgical readings focus “on the difference between good and bad leadership,” declares the "Inner Word" reflection in this Sunday’s "Exploring the Word." The Vatican has issued a "doctrinal assessment" last week in the case of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious . . .

The liturgical readings focus “on the difference between good and bad leadership,” declares the “Inner Word” reflection in this Sunday’s issue of Exploring the Word. The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a "doctrinal assessment" last week, saying it was compelled to intervene in the case of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), the umbrella organization that represents 80 percent of American nuns, to correct "serious doctrinal problems."

The Vatican, calling for reform amid what it termed a doctrinal “crisis” within the LCWR, appointed Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle to oversee the reform. The assessment states, “it is clear that greater emphasis needs to be placed both on the relationship of the LCWR with the Conference of Bishops, and on the need to provide a sound doctrinal foundation in the faith of the church.”

Saying that he hoped he could "help the sisters and the LCWR recognize that we are all in this together," the archbishop called the reform a "great opportunity" for women religious, U.S. bishops, and the Vatican to “strengthen and improve all of our relationships on every level.”

The LCWR responded to the assessment in a statement on its website: “The national board of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious will meet May 29-June 1, 2012 to begin its discussion of the conclusions of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s doctrinal assessment and the implementation plan put forth by that Vatican office.

“The board will conduct its meeting in an atmosphere of prayer, contemplation, and dialogue and will develop a plan to involve LCWR membership in similar processes. The conference plans to move slowly, not rushing to judgment. We will engage in dialogue where possible and be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit. We ask your prayer for us and for the church in this critical time.”

Sources: Articles by Francis X. Rocca for Catholic News Service and Michelle Bauman
for Catholic News Agency and a blog post by Fr. James Martin, S.J. for America

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