Twitter a little prayer
The world doesn’t know the children of God, says the First Letter of John, because they did not know God. Perhaps the world would get to know God better if people Twittered a few prayers to friends and family. That's the recommendation of the head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady.
The world doesn't know the children of God, says the First Letter of John, because they did not know God. Perhaps the world would get to know God better if people Twittered a few prayers to friends and family.
That's the recommendation of the head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady. The cardinal, speaking at Mass in Country Mayo last Sunday, said that it was a good way to send people prayers. "Make someone the gift of a prayer through text, Twitter, or e-mail every day," urged Brady. "I ask young people in particular to think of sending their friends and family an occasional Twitter or text to say that you have prayed for them."
Brady's sermon was delivered to mark the centenary celebration of Father Patrick Peyton, the "Rosary priest" who had a "great gift" for communication. The cardinal urged people to start up prayer groups using modern technology such as Twitter. "Such a sea of prayer is sure to strengthen our sense of solidarity with one another and remind those who receive them that others really do care," he said.
Source: BBC News and an article by Anne Thomas at