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- Pastoral trends
- What is our project?
- It wasn't feeding me
- Is bigger better?
- Don't get lost in translation
- Baptized and evangelized
- Reconfiguring religious communities
- Faith and networks
- The leadership instinct: Love and fear?
- We are all theologians
- Catholicism is a living tradition
- Lex orandi, lex credendi
- Preaching to a place of pluralism
- All religion is local
- Cultivating Catholic commitment
- Religious but not spiritual
- A liminal moment
- People groups, varied and diverse
- Generations: Connecting young with the old
- Invitation by example
- A commitment to reversing church decline
- Practice, practice, practice
- Growing together
- Card-punchers
- Hollowing out and sorting out
- The power of play
- From the baroque to the disenchanted and back again?
- Religion rightly understood
- Is being Christian second nature?
- Risking trust
- What—and who—is truth?
- Learning from social communications
- Engage culture or counter it?
- A monopoly not to be taken for granted
- Mystics or nothing
- It takes 19 times to know
- And the jaws of death . . .
- Strategic planning: See grace first
- All is not well
- When one plus one does not equal two
- Secularity is the child of religion
- The stickiness of sacramentality
- Things aren’t what they used to be
- How to understand the Trinity
- Beyond the “being” of God
- Faith: A value proposition
- Church and social media
- An abundant gospel in a time of institutional scarcity
- New opportunities, “New Evangelization”
- Vocation awareness: Discerning one’s life vocation today
- Vocations to consecrated life: Community needed
- What the church can learn from improv
- For Latino Catholics, it’s all in the family
- Megatrend: Church and society
- New social media and church messaging
- Family: It’s complicated
- Society and the church
- Stewardship: Do you have any idea?
- What is the state of the laity?
- Be Catholic, be compassionate
- There's no "mystery" when it comes to faith and reason
- Games worth playing
- Interfaith dialogue: In-different ways
- The church and the financial system
- Dialogue needed about parish ministry
- Participation is more than a laughing matter
- More than Mass times
- Seek an encounter with the Divine
- Where is religion going?
- “Not an era of change but a change of era”
- The end of Protestantism?
- Revitalization?
- Irreconcilable differences
- Be a witness, not a control freak
- God has no grandchildren
- Pursuing gospel truth
- Jesus IS Justice
- Resurrection = Incarnation
- Strong institutions keep the richness of Catholic tradition
- A crosscultural symphony
- Engaging the individual
- Retrieving the insights of See-Judge-Act
- Transform the world as adult disciples of Christ
- Faith communities: embracing the culture
- Catholics agree on the basics
- Reframe an alternative story
- Nourish the culture of learning
- It’s the culture!
- Growth or decline, there are no accidents
- A healthy balance, part I
- A healthy balance, part II
- Saved by science?
- Marriage prep: More important than ever
- Simplify the message
- Speaking to independent thinkers
- Individuals at a communal experience
- Vocation: Is invitation enough?
- Behind the model of parish life
- Several parishes in one
- What do Catholics look like around the world?
- Look at the whole picture
- The flip side of stewardship
- Making the connection
- The worship business
- What can we still learn from See-Judge-Act?
- Generativity is not an option
- Preaching in a time of political choices
- The end of a parochial system
- Focus on the basics
- Nostalgia doesn’t work, part I
- Nostalgia doesn’t work, part 2
- Believing implies belonging
- Parishes as faith communities, first and foremost
- Mass: Not the only form of worship
- Concerning Catholic identity
- Everyone matters: Catholicism is about pluralism
- What is our central focus?
- Generations affect church connection
- Believer to disciple
- We live for love
- Attendance challenges
- Have trust, give permission
- Effectively leading worship
- Parish networks
- Parishes: Develop a hybrid model
- Religious trends reflect who we are
- The church needs disciples
- Offer a challenge to young people
- Relate to a new generation of Catholics
- Religion, not therapy
- Defining Catholic identity
- What is our brand identity?
- The Craft of Preaching
- Funeral resources
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- Standard lectionary summaries for funeral readings
- Funeral homily stories
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- Funeral homily stories
- Homage to our dead
- The blessing of memory
- The good listener
- Simple gestures take the lead
- No one left behind
- Christian mysteries
- Not just a movie star
- Limit his golf game to nine holes
- Celebrating those heroic souls
- We didn't lose the game
- I have not failed
- Ready to meet his Maker
- The funniest person in the room
- Death can be sweet
- Renouncing Satan
- Waking from a troubled dream
- Death matters
- The light of life goes out reluctantly
- Meeting death at home
- Giving death a whirl
- Recalling, remembering, and reciting
- Last words
- Funeral quotes
- Funeral homilies
- Prepare the funeral
- Parish ministry resources
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- Advent/Lent resources
- Take Five for Faith podcasts
- Take Five Word of the Week Archives
- Take Five Bulletin Inserts
- Quotes
- Scripture
- Questions Catholics ask
- Prayers
- The Holy Year of Mercy: Reflections
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- The Holy Year of Mercy: Reflections
- Go and do likewise
- How much wrong we do ...
- Put some muscle in your faith
- If I did not believe ...
- The prodigal father’s parable
- The mark of the sinner
- Let us . . . remember Peter
- A good point to raise
- Collect all six
- Come! Live in the light!
- God’s mercy can make ...
- Mercy among the virtues ...
- Faith large and small
- I think we too are the people ...
- I used to think mercy meant ...
- The quality of mercy is not strain’d ...
- Together let us pray to the Virgin ...
- Live the cross
- I would encourage that hate ...
- Have a heart
- He who cannot forgive ...
- Love is never lost
- A little bit of mercy ...
- First things first
- Sweet mercy ...
- Royal advice on love
- The confessional ...
- I have always found that mercy ...
- Gone but not forgotten
- Charity is a supreme virtue ...
- A hands-on gospel
- It is not easy to entrust oneself ...
- Be an angel
- Forgiveness lives on
- Give it up for Frances
- Jesus' attitude is striking ...
- In the past few days ...
- Crossing the bridge
- Love for the least
- Image matters
- I am always struck when I reread ...
- God's patience ...
- Fear not
- Go ahead and ask
- Blessed are the merciful ...
- Make the most of mercy
- It is mercy ...
- Have mercy on me!
- Give your body a rest
- I will trust ...
- Trust the past ...
- Compassionate rule breaking
- Please forgive me
- We shall only resist ...
- Let them eat bread
- The pearl of justice ...
- Build on God’s foundation
- Among the attributes of God ...
- Expand the borders of your compassion
- Give a care
- A healing touch
- Difficult, Godlike—and necessary
- Take Five for Faith
- How to
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