
16 Feb 2020

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A Click here for all content for this cycle Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A


Sirach 15:15-20  God's commandments are not meant to condemn but to save us.

Psalm 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34  The great song of the law unfolds the wonder of living in God’s ways.

1 Corinthians 2:6-10  The depths of God are known to the Spirit given to us for guidance.

Matthew 5:17-37 or 5:20-22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37  Far from negating law and tradition, Jesus aims to improve and extend it.

The inner word image

The inner word

What’s in your heart?

In today's psalm we sing, "Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord."

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Exploring the word image

Exploring the word

Do you love the law?

Few of us love the law. In a country that sometimes views government with hostility and authority with suspicion, our reflexive stance toward rules is to shred first, reconsider later. Maybe. Many of us don’t even read the operating instructions on what we buy, though our personal safety may be compromised: Just plug it in, hit the ON button, and hope for the best!

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In other words image

In other words

The Sunday gospel in everyday English

“Don’t suppose for a minute that I have come to demolish the scriptures—either God’s Law or the Prophets. I’m not here to demolish but to complete. I am going to put it all together, pull it all together in a vast panorama. God’s Law is more real and lasting than the stars in the sky and the ground at your feet.

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

Take it to heart

Years ago a columnist interviewed former President Jimmy Carter during a book tour. At the time, a political candidate was under fire for her unfortunate comments taken from scripture on sexuality.

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Prayers image


Penitential Act & Prayer of the Faithful

God gives us the freedom to choose between good and evil, life and death.

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Quotes image


Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law.

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