
22 Feb 2015

First Sunday of Lent, Cycle B Click here for all content for this cycle First Sunday of Lent, Cycle B


Genesis 9:8-15 The big covenant with Noah includes not only people, but all creation.
Psalm 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 From within the covenant, the path is composed of love and truth.
1 Peter 3:18-22 Noah’s experience of rescue is a prefiguring of baptism’s power.
Mark 1:12-15 Jesus prepares inwardly to announce Kingdom Coming.

The inner word image

The inner word

What’s in your heart?

Saint Paul reminded the Corinthians that with Silvanus and Timothy he proclaimed “the Son of God, Jesus Christ” to them. It was a message he himself received as an apostle. The “amen” from them went through Jesus to God. The gospel the Corinthians knew, then, was the real thing and they should not equivocate about it; it was not a matter of “yes-or-no” but always “yes.” How is your life and work an “Amen” and a “yes” to God?

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Exploring the word image

Exploring the word

So here we are, back inside the season of Lent once more. For many Catholics, Lent is the one period each year where spiritual growth and development really gain momentum. Maybe it’s because we pray more diligently, perhaps attending daily Mass, saying the Rosary more faithfully, taking up the Liturgy of the Hours or special devotions available at the parish. Maybe it’s because we can be more mindful of the responsibility to give alms, to assist those who are disadvantaged through local volunteer efforts at shelters, food pantries, or literacy programs. Maybe it’s because we dare to fast, surrendering our privileged options at the table each Friday or perhaps for the whole 40 days. We may also fast from other kinds of privileges, limiting the hours surrendered to amusements or distractions to focus on relationships with our loved ones or with God.

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In other words image

In other words

The Sunday gospel in everyday English

At once, this same Spirit pushed Jesus out into the wild. For 40 wilderness days and nights he was tested by Satan. Wild animals were his companions, and angels took care of him.

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Homily stories image

Homily stories

Now is the time

Sam’s drinking had begun as a social thing, a way to relax at lunch, a way to make up for a bad day. But soon enough, Sam was the last to leave the party and the last to punch in at work. He ignored his wife’s pleas and family fights ensued. Then one night after too much drinking, he had a serious car accident. In the ambulance he heard a voice like a whisper, “Sam, get your life together before it is too late. Now’s your chance. Now.” He began to attend AA meetings and is now in recovery.

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Prayers image


Penitential Act & Prayer of the Faithful

Loving God, you show us the way to new and everlasting life. Listen to the prayers we make to you while we are on that journey, in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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Homily themes image

Homily themes

Notes on the text

Nature shows the obvious connection between Creator and creation. The story of salvation just gets better and better. Jesus comes out of the desert with a message: The time is now. The Kingdom is here. Change your lives.

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Quotes image


When . . . the earth was flooded, Wisdom again saved it, piloting the righteous man on frailest wood. —Wisdom 10:4

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