Preaching the News for Sunday

Presbyterian Church supports gay marriage

“I will draw everyone to myself,” Jesus promises in this Sunday’s gospel. The largest Presbyterian denomination drew closer to gay believers on Tuesday through its official endorsement of gay marriage, solidifying mainline Protestants' support for the cause. Now all eyes turn to the largest mainline denomination—the United Methodist Church . . .

“I will draw everyone to myself,” Jesus promises in this Sunday’s gospel. The largest Presbyterian denomination drew closer to gay believers on Tuesday through its official endorsement of gay marriage, solidifying mainline Protestants' support for the cause. Now all eyes turn to the largest mainline denomination—the United Methodist Church—to see how they will react.

Homily hint: Issues related to sexuality have challenged congregations of all stripes for decades now. Perhaps the day is closer, one hopes, when we can follow Pope Francis’ suggestion that we judge less, tolerate more, and focus on helping the neediest among us.

For more on church voting on gay marriage,see: With Presbyterians in the yes column, mainline Protestants solidify gay marriage support

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