Online overkill is apparent
The psalmist this Sunday yearns always to be in God’s presence and promises to teach “transgressors” the ways of God. Many a social media user wishes parents with children adoped a lower-key presence online, protesting that the deluge of parental posts about their children is a transgression of social media etiquette. . . .
The psalmist this Sunday yearns always to be in God’s presence and promises to teach “transgressors” the ways of God. Many a social media user wishes parents with children adoped a lower-key presence online, protesting that the deluge of parental posts about their children is a transgression of social media etiquette. There is even a new word for exaggerated postings about one’s children—instead of over-parenting, think “over-sharinting.”
Homily hint: Studies have shown that social media is no substitute for face-to-face human contact. Make sure that your time online is not spent at the expense of human contact—God created us for community, and community involves contact. Unplug the computer and connect with someone face to face!
For more on parental overposting, see: Is there too much 'oversharenting' on social media?