Preaching the News for Sunday
What’s on tap at the Justice Department? | Unique papal "conclave" | Unorthodox protest gains legal protection in Israel | Latest global warming figures are breathtaking
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What’s on tap at the Justice Department? | Unique papal "conclave" | Unorthodox protest gains legal protection in Israel | Latest global warming figures are breathtaking
“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit . . . will . . . remind you of all that I told you,” the risen Lord promises his huddled disciples in the Pentecost Day reading option from chapter 14 of the Gospel of John. The U.S. Justice Department has other methods for learning things told by one person to another . . .
The disciples “were all in one place together” when the Holy Spirit made a special visit at Pentecost, we read in this Sunday’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles. The Spirit had a busy day at the Vatican last Friday when a total of three popes were in one place. Coptic Pope Tawadros II and Catholic Pope Francis . . .
The Holy Spirit “bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs,” says the second reading option from the Letter to the Romans for Pentecost Day. The Women of the Wall see things that way, and the organization of Jewish women has for 25 years sought . . .
The psalmist is clear this Sunday that God renews the face of the earth and gives us the breath of life without which we would perish. Recent signs of the damage of global warning suggest humanity has forgotten this ancient wisdom. The level of the most important heat-trapping gas . . .
“We learn poverty from the humble, the poor, the sick . . . . We have no use for theoretical poverty.”
At least 14 former U.S. presidential candidates still have more than $100,000 dollars in campaign debt. Newt Gingrich leads the list with $4.6 million. President Barack Obama still owes $3.1 million.