Penitential Act & Prayer of the Faithful
Penitential Act
Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins, and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
- You lead us out of deception and dishonesty. Lord, have mercy.
- Your light guides us through darkness. Christ, have mercy.
- You reveal to us the mystery of salvation. Lord, have mercy.
Prayer of the Faithful
The universal prayer
The universal prayer With eyes of faith raised to God, we pray:
- That the church may reach out to all without prejudice, we pray, Lord, hear our prayer.
- That the nations of the Earth shall walk in the light of God, we pray, Lord, hear our prayer.
- That those suffering oppression and disenfranchisement find justice, we pray, Lord, hear our prayer.
- That this faith community offer its gifts generously to the Lord and for the good of the world, we pray, Lord, hear our prayer.