Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, Cycle A

Homily stories

Greatest gift of all

Jordan has some of the smoothest salesmen in the world—as evidenced by the amount of stuff I bought during a trip there last year. Passing by a roadside store, for example, a handsome shopkeeper might take your wrist and perfume the length of your forearm with frankincense resin, while another hands you sweets, and yet another urges you to sit and have tea, perhaps of myrrh, that appears out of nowhere. Before you know it, a whirlwind of goods are brought out and presented to you. I loved every minute of the whole production.

Back in the time of Jesus, Jordan was the kingdom of the Nabataeans, who controlled the Incense Route from the East to the Mediterranean. The three wise men who traveled to Bethlehem to honor the infant Jesus likely passed through the Nabataean capital and got their gifts of frankincense and myrrh there.

It’s easy to get caught up in the flurry of gifts—it’s fun!—but now that the paper and ribbons of Christmas have settled and been swept away, don’t forget your Advent journey that led you to your king.

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