Fifth Sunday of Easter, Cycle C (sample issue)

Homily stories

Go forth among the people

sample issue Testimonial:

“Theology is great, homily stories are fantastic.”  
~ Dn. Ron, Brentwood, CA

WHEN MY DAUGHTER was asked why she wanted to be confirmed into the Catholic faith, she answered: “Because God needs me.” It wasn’t the answer her class had prepared or the Catechism teaches. I am not even sure it is quite theologically sound: Does God need anyone?

Nevertheless, I don’t doubt that God relies on Hannah, who has Down syndrome, and others who don’t meet society’s standards of perfection to show us how woefully limited our perceptions of beauty, success, and happiness are.

When God chose to pitch his tent and dwell among us, he turned the world upside down and inside out. In an eternal chain of transformation, God makes all things new.

And that is where God’s need for Hannah comes in. People feel drawn to Hannah because she walks through the world with a confidence that she is perfect in God’s eyes. Instinctively, or more probably through the grace of God, she knows that, like God, it is good for her to pitch her tent and live among the rest of us. She is God’s ambassador to the Kingdom where all you need is love.

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