Preaching the News for Sunday

Court cancels Congress’ passport to Jerusalem

The Lord may have sovereignty in Israel, expressed as the planting of a cedar tree in this Sunday’s first reading, but the U.S. Congress must defer to the president on the question of recognition of Israel’s (and any nation’s) sovereignty and territorial boundaries, . . .

The Lord may have sovereignty in Israel, expressed as the planting of a cedar tree in this Sunday’s first reading, but the U.S. Congress must defer to the president on the question of recognition of Israel’s (and any nation’s) sovereignty and territorial boundaries, according to the Supreme Court. The court struck down as unconstitutional Monday a congressional attempt to allow Americans born in the contested city of Jerusalem to list Israel as their birthplace on passports, affirming the principle that the president alone has the power to recognize foreign nations.

Homily hint:
There are no end-runs around peace. The status of the holy city of Jerusalem, revered by Jew, Christian, and Muslim alike, has to be resolved at the negotiating table with all parties present. The U.S. has maintained neutrality on the status of Jerusalem since the earliest days of Arab-Israeli conflict. Let’s work for a lasting peace rather than trying to legislate the problem away.  

For more on the passport controversy, see: Supreme Court says president’s powers prevail on foreign borders

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