Preaching the News for Sunday

Immigration advocates warm to GOP legalization plan

The psalmist this Sunday blesses those who “follow the law of the Lord,” for their way “is blameless.” Many advocates for immigrants would be content with just such a blameless condition in the eyes of the law and are responding . . .

The psalmist this Sunday blesses those who “follow the law of the Lord,” for their way “is blameless.” Many advocates for immigrants would be content with just such a blameless condition in the eyes of the law and are responding positively to new Republican Party overtures on immigration reform that would legalize undocumented immigrants but not necessarily allow them all to become U.S. citizens.

During a recent Republican gathering, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner released a list of Republican “principles” on immigration. The statement declared that there would be “no special path” to citizenship for illegal immigrants but that in general they should be allowed to “live legally and without fear” in the United States if they meet a list of tough requirements and rules.

Tamar Jacoby, head of the Washington-based advocacy group ImmigrationWorks USA, called the Republican statement on legalizing undocumented immigrants a “historic breakthrough” and a “critical first step” to meaningful immigration reform. The principles did not include any specific policy proposals or timeline.

Some labor unions and immigrant groups said they would continue to insist on a full path to citizenship, and some conservative Republicans said they would fight against legalizing undocumented immigrants, which they call an “amnesty” for lawbreakers, but Boehner’s statement seemed to signal a sea change in the party’s stance, and many major immigrant advocate groups seemed eager to respond in kind.

“To see the Republicans moving from self-deportation to legalization is a major shift,” said Clarissa Martinez of the National Council of La Raza in Washington. “There is a big chasm between saying ‘no special path’ and shutting the door to citizenship entirely. It could mean a lot of things. There is no clarity or definition yet, but it is a start and we are definitely encouraged.”

Homily hint: Catholic teaching is clear on the rights of immigrants to basic human dignity and freedom from reprisal. “The more prosperous nations are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he [sic] cannot find in his country of origin. Public authorities should see to it that the natural right is respected that places a guest under the protection of those who receive him” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2241). See the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops document, Catholic Church’s Position on Immigration Reform.

Source: An article by Pamela Constable for the Washington Post

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