Preaching the News for Sunday

Good News for Brazilian military police

“The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness,” the Sunday psalm says. Amid concerns about brutality, Brazilian military police officers are taking Bible-study classes during their working hours to help them better cope with family stresses which may be contributing to their short . . .

“The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness,” the Sunday psalm says. Amid concerns about brutality, Brazilian military police officers are taking Bible-study classes during their working hours to help them better cope with family stresses which may be contributing to their reported short fuses.

The initiative teaches officers how to apply biblical concepts to everyday matters and encourages them to search for biblical examples which offer advice, guidance, and solutions about family issues, including how to rear children, handle finances, and build personal relationships.

The military police are the civilian wing of the security forces and responsible for law and order on the streets, attending crime scenes, and arresting suspects. The biblical-based course has stirred controversy, with critics arguing it is inappropriate for Brazil as a secular state with a stated policy of neutrality on religion to promote Judeo-Christian teachings in a public institution.

But a representative from the organization said while the state makes it clear that it will not favor one religion over another, that also means it will not interfere with the operation of any religion. “We see this course as a tool that can help our officers,” said military police chaplain Gisleno Farias, coordinator of the program.

The program comes at a time when Brazil’s security forces are under increased pressure to restrain their heavy-handed tactics, demonstrated when anti-government protesters took to the streets in the thousands this year to demonstrate against government spending policies, political corruption, and the excessive amount of public funds invested in the construction of the 2014 FIFA World Cup stadiums and Olympic venues.

Homily hint: Throughout much of Christian history, biblical stories have served as the backbone for moral and ethical training in families. Though times have changed, the need for moral guidance remains. Why not sit down with loved ones and discuss the ethical lessons of a well-known biblical story? An enriching conversation is sure to follow.

An article by Janet Tappin Coelho for Religion News Service

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