Extra federal aid for schools and health care
We celebrate the Solemnity of Mary’s Assumption this Sunday with the gospel story in which Elizabeth blesses the child Mary is bearing. Democrats hope their decision . . .
We celebrate the Solemnity of Mary’s Assumption this Sunday with the gospel story in which Elizabeth blesses the child Mary is bearing. Democrats hope their decision to vote billions of dollars of aid to support teacher retention this week will be warmly welcomed by parents concerned about education.
The U.S. Department of Education estimates that the $10 billion in aid for education will save about 161,000 education jobs and allow for smaller class sizes.
During her visit with Elizabeth, Mary praises God as one who “has lifted up the lowly.” In addition to the education spending, the bill signed into law Tuesday will send $16.1 billion to state governments to help shore up Medicaid, the joint federal-state health care program for lower-income people.
Republicans criticized the legislation as an example of more spending of money the federal government doesn’t have, while Democrats claim the new spending will be offset by savings written into the bill from changes in food stamp benefits and the closing of several corporate tax breaks.
Source: An article by David Lightman for McClatchy Newspapers