Preaching the News for Sunday

Their kind of town

The Letter to the Hebrews this Sunday speaks of the bringing of many to glory. Ending months of speculation, President Barack Obama travels to Copenhagen, Denmark Thursday night in the hope that his presence will help bring glory to his adopted hometown of Chicago. The city is among the finalists to host the 2016 Summer Olympics.

The president will join First Lady Michelle Obama, a Chicago native, who arrived in Copenhagen Wednesday to lend her support to Chicago's bid. The International Olympic Committee will announce its decision Friday.

The First Lady drew laughs with her comment regarding their joint presentation: "We're not going to sing together or anything. . . . All I have are my stories, my experiences as a Chicagoan, as an American, as someone who believes deeply that health and fitness have got to play a greater role in the lives of our kids and our communities, and as someone who believes that the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be the best way to bring that message home."

House Minority Leader John Boehner, however, won't be in the cheering section Friday. "Listen, I think it's a great idea to promote Chicago but he's the president of the United States, not the mayor of Chicago," Boehner said Wednesday. "And the problems we have here at home affect all Americans and that's where his attention ought to be."

"You're darned if you do, you're darned if you don't. I'd rather be on the side of doing it," Michelle Obama told reporters, referring to her husband's Olympics decision. "One conversation or one example or illustration that connects could make a difference, and our view is we're not taking a chance."

Source: Articles by Peter Slevin for the Washington Post, Jake Sherman for Politico,
and Nancy Armour for Associated Press

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