Exploring the Word

17 Sep 2023

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

Can you afford condemnation?

Consider forgiveness as the currency of eternity. It’s absolutely free, so spend as much as you'd like. It’s like having your own money printing press in the cellar. Go on: Forgive seventy-times-seven times and it won’t cost you a penny!

10 Sep 2023

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

Can we talk?

Culture-wide, we have lost the art of dialogue. There’s no such thing as a thoughtful sharing of perspectives for the purpose of advancing understanding.

3 Sep 2023

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

Imperfect, vulnerable—and chosen

The gospel, as we know, hit the ground as a story in process. Believers proclaimed it for three decades and more before anyone thought to write it down. Writing, of course, makes a story more fixed and inflexible, and a written work takes on an aura of instant infallibility by virtue of being in print.

27 Aug 2023

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

Binding and loosing

Who do we say Jesus is? Identifying Jesus has never been as easy as it looks. Walk into any Catholic church and the most prominent image will be his: either as suffering Savior or triumphant Lord.

20 Aug 2023

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

Sometimes the swine get the pearls

A lot of people are not going to approve of your homily this week. Just know this ahead of time and brace yourself. Matthew is not interested in making you popular in the pulpit apart from a few nice Christmas stories anyway.

13 Aug 2023

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

Salvation as rescue

What does it mean to be saved? This is an important question to ask, because it’s a question that modern Christians are expected to answer at a moment’s notice. Are you saved? Am I?

6 Aug 2023

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Cycle A

Shock and awe

Today the world commemorates what remains the ultimate demonstration of worldly might and power: the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, Japan, by the United States in 1945.

30 Jul 2023

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

Buried treasure

Looking for buried treasure was a big pastime for kids in my neighborhood 40 years ago. Not that there was likely to be much treasure in the coalfields of central Pennsylvania. That didn’t keep us from looking and hoping, though.

23 Jul 2023

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

A Kingdom not of this world

Here’s my latest idea for our T-shirt-and-bumper-sticker culture: “Those who are just must be kind.” OK, it’s not my idea; the Wisdom writer came up with it first.

16 Jul 2023

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

God’s persistent word

Good parents are, by nature or necessity, persistent people. They call and call us to the dinner table until we straggle in. They nag us about our homework until the last worksheet is covered with the appropriate words and numbers.