Exploring the Word

21 Jun 2009

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

Calm out of chaos

Summertime is supposed to be the slow season. School’s out; the temperature’s up; sandals are on, and sauntering is in. But some of us can be forgiven if our hearts are still racing this June.

14 Jun 2009

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), Cycle B

What’s it worth to you?

Thirty years ago I spent some time volunteering at Covenant House, a child welfare organization in New York. As you can imagine, the concept of the covenant was a big thing there.

7 Jun 2009

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Cycle B

Love is here to stay

Forever is a long time. Ask the couple who promises fidelity for only one lifetime! Or the celibate who takes vows for the long haul.

31 May 2009

Solemnity of Pentecost, Cycle B

What if I’m wrong?

If the riveting movie Doubt taught us nothing else last year, it’s that there’s always room for being dead wrong. We don’t like to entertain that notion even in the privacy of our midnight thoughts.

24 May 2009

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Cycle B

About those snakes

City dwellers may be accustomed to considering snakes only in the metaphorical sense. But in my backyard, they’re awfully literal.

24 May 2009

Seventh Sunday of Easter, Cycle B

Unity is not an option

The unity of the early church was in trouble. We know that from reading the letters of Paul and other pastoral leaders, who argue over table fellowship, circumcision, and dietary regulations.

17 May 2009

Sixth Sunday of Easter, Cycle B

How can you tell who’s who around here?

Religious claims are a dime a dozen. You think Hindus and Mormons believe some outrageous things? Try Catholics. Virgin Birth, heaven and hell, the resurrection of the dead—none of that has a shred of “evidence” to back it up.

10 May 2009

Fifth Sunday of Easter, Cycle B

Living the truth

It’s always instructive to see what the world does with reformed criminals. Saul of Tarsus, formerly waging a zealot’s war against Christianity, seeks to join the ranks of the enemy in whole-souled conversion to Christ.

3 May 2009

Fourth Sunday of Easter; Good Shepherd Sunday, Cycle B

Who will lead?

Last November we citizens faced an important question together: Who should lead? It has a related, shadow question that gets asked more rarely: Who will follow?

26 Apr 2009

Third Sunday of Easter, Cycle B

Tell what you know

Last week in John’s gospel Thomas took the rap for demanding tangible signs of the resurrection of Jesus. This week in Luke’s account Jesus spontaneously offers concrete evidence of his presence to quell his disciples’ unuttered questions.