Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C
Prayer of the Faithful
Though we may be of unclean lips and unclean hearts, God beckons us to voice our needs. Let us use those lips and hearts to say, “Here I am, Lord.”
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Though we may be of unclean lips and unclean hearts, God beckons us to voice our needs. Let us use those lips and hearts to say, “Here I am, Lord.”
We are called to love, which means we are called to openness, honesty, and care. Let us give voice to the concerns as well as the hopes that reside in our hearts.
By the power of God’s Word we are saved. Before we bring our gifts of bread and wine to the altar, we do as Jesus instructed us and offer God the gift of our needs.
The outpouring of gifts by the Holy Spirit demonstrates how eager God is to respond to our needs. Let us be like Mary, Jesus’ mother, who was quick to let the needs of those around her be known.
The kindness and generous love of our savior prompts us to give voice to our needs. We turn to the Lord with confidence because like a shepherd, he feeds his flock.
God longs to be revealed to us and to gather us as one. We speak our needs now in confidence, knowing that God will be present to us in all our difficulties and respond to all our needs.
As children of God, let us ask our heavenly Father to receive these prayers for the human family.
As the time of Advent waiting reaches its fulfillment, we call upon the name of God, who gives us new life.
With prayers and petitions, and with thanksgiving, we make our requests known to God.
Sisters and brothers, as Christians have done throughout the ages, we gather in prayer at the word of the Holy One, a word that also came to John the Baptist.