Exploring the Word

10 Sep 2017

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

It’s a win when we all win

Paul says something remarkable rather simply today—worth noting, since Paul says a lot of remarkable things that sound like gobbledygoop when translated from Greek to English by way of Latin, as these texts come to us. In Romans, Paul shows off a lifetime summarization of his Christology, which gets quite esoteric at times.

3 Sep 2017

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

The living sacrifice     

It’s Labor Day weekend! Who wants to work? Nobody in their right mind. Of course, plenty of people in our society will be working right through the weekend so the rest of us can relax and tend to our barbeques. They make the sacrifice; we get the benefit.

27 Aug 2017

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

Naming Jesus

Some days, Jesus is my Lord. Other days, I’m the only authority to which I answer. Which day is which is probably more obvious to folks around me than it is to me. From within the borders of self-involvement, all you can see is yourself.

20 Aug 2017

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

How far does our mission go?

We’re the church, a people on a mission: to bring good news wherever it’s yet to be heard. We know what to do. We may be less clear on how to do it. Our resolve might be weak. And then there’s the question: Just how far does this mission extend? What are the limits of our responsibility, at which point we might reasonably claim: Mission accomplished?

13 Aug 2017

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

Waves of adversity

We find Jesus again where we encountered him last week—up a mountain, communing with God. This time he goes alone, sending his friends along ahead to the opposite shore. And, as usual, no sooner are his followers out on their own before they’re into trouble.

6 Aug 2017

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Cycle A

Shock and awe

Today the world commemorates what remains the ultimate demonstration of worldly might and power: the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, Japan, by the United States in 1945. Nagasaki was also bombed three days later. Seventy thousand Japanese men, women, and children were killed at once.

30 Jul 2017

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

The cost of the Kingdom

Do we love the way of God, or simply tolerate it? This is a question I ask myself every time I read Psalm 119. It’s the Law Psalm, delineating in acrostic fashion all the reasons why the commands of God are worthy and desirable. Each acrostic spells out a Hebrew word for Torah, including: word, law, commandment, rules, decree, precepts, and teaching.

23 Jul 2017

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

Virtue and vice grow up together

It’s rare that a motion in D.C. gets bipartisan support. But instituting Parents’ Day on the fourth Sunday of July to “recognize, uplift, and support the role of parents in the rearing of children" did just that in 1994. No matter how we vote on Election Day, every day of the year parents deserve our thanks for doing the toughest and most vital job in America: preparing the future.

16 Jul 2017

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

Bless our eyes, and bless our ears!

There’s something very appealing about Jesus portraying himself as the mad farmer. He tosses precious seed where a sober sower would never intend it to go. Only a reckless farmer sows the footpath, the brambles, the rocks, and among the weeds—NONE of which makes any sense!

9 Jul 2017

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

This is the Jesus we like

Every pastor, preacher, religion teacher, and religious writer can expect the occasional review. What homilist hasn’t gotten feedback on the message, or a critique of the experience the listeners are having out in the cheap seats?