The overmedicated society
This Sunday’s reading from the Letter to the Hebrews promises that Christ will return to bring salvation to all those who turn to him. Seems more and more Americans are turning to regular use of prescription medications to save them from a growing list . . .
This Sunday’s reading from the Letter to the Hebrews promises that Christ will return to bring salvation to all those who turn to him. Seems more and more Americans are turning to regular use of prescription medications to save them from a growing list of maladies. Use of prescription medications—for chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, acid reflux, and depression—has surged in the U.S. in the past decade, according to research published Tuesday. Researchers looked at data on nearly 38,000 adults aged 20 and older and estimated that overall prescription drug use in the U.S. rose from approximately 51 percent to 59 percent between 1999 and 2012. In particular, the number of Americans who are on five or more maintenance medications at once—called poly-pharmacy use—nearly doubled in the same period.
Homily hint: “Big Pharm” is a derogatory term applied to huge pharmaceutical companies that aggressively promote use of prescription medications for a growing list of conditions. Pause and consider whether you are being persuaded by advertisers to take medications you may not need. Let’s be sure that we really need the drugs we take on a regular basis.
For more on the rise in prescription drug use, see: More Than Half of Americans Take Prescription Drugs