Preaching the News for Sunday

Pope has us all a-twitter

Not that it is anything to be proud about—remember Yahweh’s promise that the proud “will be stubble”—but Pope Francis was deemed the most-talked-about person on the planet according to an annual survey that tracks top online talkees. The Global Language Monitor, a Texas-based tracking . . .

Not that it is anything to be proud about—remember Yahweh’s promise that the proud “will be stubble”—but Pope Francis was deemed the most-talked-about person on the planet according to an annual survey that tracks top online talkees.

The Global Language Monitor, a Texas-based tracking company, says that “their rankings are based on an analysis of English-language blogs, social media, and 275,000 electronic and online news media,” according to the CNN belief blog.

Other names among the top five: 2. Obamacare; 3. the National Security Agency; 4. Edward Snowden; 5. Kate Middleton.

Homily hint: Let's keep the momentum going: Talk about your faith with others; share stories about the goodness and kindness you’ve experienced in your life and how that has given you hope; follow what the pope is saying and try to incorporate more mercy and justice in your treatment of others.

An article by Daniel Burke for the CNN Belief Blog

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