Preaching the News for Sunday

God's domain not only online

"I shall deliver a just decision for her," says the dishonest judge of the widow's appeal to him in the parable told by Jesus in this Sunday's gospel. Vatican officials this week expressed satisfaction of the decision to award them control of the new . . .

"I shall deliver a just decision for her," says the dishonest judge of the widow's appeal to him in the parable told by Jesus in this Sunday's gospel. Vatican officials this week expressed satisfaction of the decision to award them control of the new internet domain .catholic.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which coordinates the assignment of Internet domain names and addresses around the world, has been allowing entities to apply for ownership of hundreds, and soon thousands, of new domain names such as .london and .insurance, among others.

The Pontifical Council for Social Communications completed the application process last summer and just received approval that it will now control the new Internet address extension .catholic and decide who is allowed to use it.

Use of the domain will be limited to dioceses, parishes, and other territorial church jurisdictions; religious orders and other canonically recognized communities; and Catholic institutions such as universities, schools, and hospitals. The Vatican plans to allow “institutions and communities that have canonical recognition” to use the extension “so people online—Catholics and non-Catholics—will know a site is authentically Catholic,” said Msgr. Paul Tighe, secretary of the council.

Controlling the domain name will promote “a more cohesive and organized presence” of the church online “so the recognized structure of the church can be mirrored in the [sic] digital space,” Tighe said. The Vatican does not plan to allow individual bloggers or private Catholics to use .catholic.

Homily hint
: As the world more and more relies on online communities for all sorts of interactions, it does faith communities well to continue to promote face-to-face interaction. Let's not completely "screen ourselves off" from the flesh and blood, lived experience of the Body of Christ.

An article by Carol Glatz for Catholic News Service

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