Preaching the News for Sunday

Gone but not absent—A note from the editors

As we move deeper into the Easter season this Sunday, Jesus prepares his disciples for his Ascension with these words: “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. You heard me tell you, ‘I am going away and I will come back to you.' ” The editors . . .

vthe untimely death of our cherished colleague and contributor Ann Lang O’Connor As we move deeper into the Easter season this Sunday, Jesus prepares his disciples for his Ascension with these words: “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. You heard me tell you, ‘I am going away and I will come back to you.” The editors of PrepareTheWord note with sadness the untimely death . . .

Several months ago Ann wrote the Story Starter that happens to have been scheduled for this week’s issue of Exploring the Word. We thought it fitting to publish it here in its entirety, not only for its prescience but for its wisdom. Please keep Ann’s loved ones in your prayers.  —The Editors


Anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one knows how devastated Jesus’ disciples must have felt when he told them he was going away for good. The “Advocate” he promised to send must have seemed like a poor substitute for the flesh-and-blood Jesus whom they had come to love and depend upon.

When a loved one dies, it’s natural to feel that the relationship has ended. After all, we can’t visit them anymore or call them on the phone to share news or ask advice. Still, they can be present to us in ways that would have been impossible while they were here with us on Earth.

In the years since my mother died, I have regularly felt her presence during times of confusion and doubt. I know that she is with me all the time, even though I can’t see her. I talk to her and know that she hears me. I ask her for comfort and guidance and, in one way or another, I always receive it.

Fortunately we don’t need a phone or the internet to reach a loved one. We simply need to be willing to enter the silence where they reside.

Source: Ann Lang O’Connor

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