Preaching the News for Sunday

Democratic Senators begin to exit, stage left

The psalmist this Sunday seeks “to dwell in the house of the Lord" forever. A growing number of U.S. senators don’t feel the same about hanging around the upper chamber of Congress after 2012. Democratic hopes of retaining . . .

The psalmist this Sunday seeks “to dwell in the house of the Lord" forever. A growing number of U.S. senators don’t feel the same about hanging around the upper chamber of Congress after 2012. Democratic hopes of retaining the Senate have dimmed in recent days with a series of retirement announcements.

On Tuesday North Dakota Sen. Kent Conrad said he will not seek reelection in 2012. The heavily Republican state is unlikely to throw its support to President Obama, so Conrad’s retirement makes the state's next senatorial race much less complicated for Republicans. That situation will also allow the GOP to put more resources into other Senate races.

Wednesday Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, erstwhile Democrat turned independent, joined the exit line. Other potential retirements will not bring any better news for the majority party. Virginia Sen. Jim Webb is reportedly undecided about running for reelection and has done little fundraising. Were he to run, he could face former Virginia governor and senator George Allen in a 2006 rematch. Webb beat Allen by only one percentage point in their last contest.

Democratic Senators Herb Kohl of Wisconsin and Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico are also considering retirement. Both of their states went heavily Republican in 2010. The Democrats already face a difficult challenge retaining the Senate because they will have to defend 13 more seats than the GOP in 2012.

Source: An article by Cullen Linebargar for

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