Preaching the News for Sunday

The pope will celebrate a good night’s sleep

As John the Baptist prepared the way for Christ's coming, "the people were filled with expectation," we hear in this week's "Gaudete Sunday" gospel. Eager anticipation of the celebration of Christmas will be paid off a little earlier this year ...

As John the Baptist prepared the way for Christ's coming, "the people were filled with expectation," we hear in this week's "Gaudete Sunday" gospel. Eager anticipation of the celebration of Christmas will be paid off a little earlier this year, at least at St. Peter's Basilica. In a break with tradition, Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate Christmas Eve Mass at 10 p.m. instead of midnight "to stretch out his strength," a papal spokesman said.

Father Federico Lombardi said the decision to change the schedule was made two months ago to "ease the [pope's] fatigue at a time when there are many ceremonies and commitments" during the Christmas holidays. Lombardi said there was no reason to worry about the health of the 82-year-old Benedict.

Source: A statement from Vatican Information Services

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