Exploring the Word

22 May 2011

Fifth Sunday of Easter, Cycle A

The new household of God

MOVING INTO A new situation can seem like heaven—at first. Whether it’s the first day of school, a new job, new digs, or a new haircut, each facet of change feels fresh and clear of all the old obstacles.

15 May 2011

Fourth Sunday of Easter; Good Shepherd Sunday, Cycle A

Shepherd of souls

GOD HAS BEEN the shepherd of souls for a long time, biblically speaking. “The Lord is my shepherd,” declares the psalmist. “Like a shepherd he feeds his flock,” adds Deutero-Isaiah. There will be one shepherd whose authority is final, Ezekiel avows.

8 May 2011

Third Sunday of Easter, Cycle A

How to tell the story

IF YOU SURVIVED school you probably studied the basic aspects of literature somewhere along the line. Beginning, middle, and end are the nonnegotiable parts of storytelling. Along with those come setting, plot, character, and narrative voice.

1 May 2011

Solemnity of the Second Sunday of Easter; Divine Mercy Sunday, Cycle A

Tracking Thomas

Of the apostles named among the 12, we have real affection for only a handful. There are not many fan clubs for Bartholomew (with apologies to the St. Bartholomew Churches out there!).

24 Apr 2011

Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord (Easter Sunday), Cycle A

Jesus is risen: Now what?

IF DOCTORS MAKE the worst patients, then surely public speakers are the toughest audience in the pews. When I’m benched on the average Sunday, attending to the homilist, my bottom line invariably remains: “So what?”

17 Apr 2011

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Cycle A

Loyalty: Priceless

SOME OF THE brightest words in the Bible are about loyalty. “Wherever you go, I will go,” says Ruth to Naomi as she leaves her homeland for good. “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord,” Joshua pledges before crossing the Jordan into the promised land.

10 Apr 2011

Fifth Sunday of Lent, Cycle A

Enough to wake the dead

“O MY PEOPLE, I will open your graves and have you rise from them.” Are more wonderful words to be spoken in all the world? No loss is as great as what death takes from us. No sorrow is as deep as when our loved ones “go before us, marked with the sign of faith.”

3 Apr 2011

Fourth Sunday of Lent, Cycle A

Once you were darkness

IF THE CHURCH didn’t give us Lent, we’d probably have to invent it. We might even spare some compassion for those who don’t have an annual season for reflection on themes as human as they are forbidding: desert, thirst, the need for rescue, darkness, suffering, and death.

27 Mar 2011

Third Sunday of Lent, Cycle A

The Good News about thirst

AN INTERESTING CONTRAST presents itself in our two big Bible stories this week. On the one hand we’ve got the grumbling nation behind Moses: reasonably thirsty, yet decidedly unpleasant about it.

20 Mar 2011

Second Sunday of Lent, Cycle A

Take the risk of faith

SALVATION HISTORY PROPERLY begins in chapter 12 of Genesis. The proto-history of the earlier chapters supplies an artful presentation of the downward spiral of human moral disintegration. From the perfect joy of paradise we move through original disobedience to murder in one generation.