Exploring the Word

29 Apr 2012

Fourth Sunday of Easter; Good Shepherd Sunday, Cycle B

HOW OFTEN DO you pray for the president? It doesn’t matter if you didn’t vote for him—maybe you should pray harder for those you didn’t want to elect!

22 Apr 2012

Third Sunday of Easter, Cycle B

Does the Earth really matter?

FOR FOLKS WHO only go green on St. Patrick’s Day, it should be noted that today is Earth Day. People around the world are pleading the case for Mother Earth once more.

15 Apr 2012

Solemnity of the Second Sunday of Easter; Divine Mercy Sunday, Cycle B

THE FACE OF mercy looks different for each of us. For me, it’s a middle-aged religious sister with dark curls, a round face, and soft eyes who taught at my high school 35 years ago.

8 Apr 2012

Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord (Easter Sunday), Cycle B

What will you tell them?

The scripture stories of Easter reflect our proper orientation to this feast. These are narratives of discovery and insight, commissioning and departure. Most of all they are stories about witnessing.

1 Apr 2012

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Cycle B

Minor players, crucial roles

THE GOSPELS ARE not biographies of Jesus. That is most clear during Holy Week, when scripture recounts the Passion in all its brutal details. Nearly one-fourth of the synoptic gospels are devoted to the Passion; when it comes to John, make that one-third.

25 Mar 2012

Fifth Sunday of Lent, Cycle B

Friends like Philip

As apostles go, Philip is not a front-runner among the original 12. Primacy goes to Peter, and lost causes to Jude.

18 Mar 2012

Fourth Sunday of Lent, Cycle B

The verdict is in

There’s no more peculiar history than the Bible presents as the story of Israel. From start to finish we find more dubious characters than ever gathered in the works of bicentennarian Charles Dickens.

11 Mar 2012

Third Sunday of Lent, Cycle B

Love rules?

WHAT’S RELIGION ABOUT, to you? Is it about being good, getting to heaven? Or at least not going to hell in a handbasket?

4 Mar 2012

Second Sunday of Lent, Cycle B

Is "mine" really all mine?

IT’S NOT EASY to teach a lesson about Abraham’s intended sacrifice of his son, what Judaism calls the Akedah or “binding” of Isaac.To our modern ears the story is simply outrageous.

26 Feb 2012

First Sunday of Lent, Cycle B

The time is now

The Bible is one of those books that just gets better the farther you read into it. First chapter: God creates this amazing world and blesses it so that it keeps unfolding and increasing. What could be more wonderful?