The Inner Word

15 Jun 2014

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

Turn toward the light of Christ; be one with God the Father with the Holy Spirit. Praise and exalt the name of God throughout the ages, and God be with you and all those you greet.

8 Jun 2014

Solemnity of Pentecost, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

Have you traveled to an unfamiliar land and experienced the hospitality of others? The Holy Spirit is your guide through this life, received in Baptism. You are renewed with vibrant life, even with the unfamiliar, even when confused.

1 Jun 2014

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

The scripture readings for the Ascension offer some messages which also lead to some questions.

1 Jun 2014

Seventh Sunday of Easter, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

Jesus did the job he was sent to do. What have you done for the Kingdom of God in your life to date? Did the suffering balance the accomplishment? God reveals to us, through Jesus Christ, boundless hope in union with God. Keep the faith!

25 May 2014

Sixth Sunday of Easter, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

Jesus did not abandon you but empowered you to heal and be healed. You are loved, you are in Christ and Christ is in you, and Jesus is in God the Father.

18 May 2014

Fifth Sunday of Easter, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

Build your house with many places for all to dwell, for all to be welcome, so all may come to believe and meet the challenges of faith.

11 May 2014

Fourth Sunday of Easter; Good Shepherd Sunday, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

Jesus as your shepherd will lead you in the direction of peace and fullness of life. Jesus will guard your soul, and kindness will follow you.

4 May 2014

Third Sunday of Easter, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

In reading the Acts of the Apostles, you’re reminded of the newness of the teachings and life of Jesus. Where do you fit in the story?

27 Apr 2014

Solemnity of the Second Sunday of Easter; Divine Mercy Sunday, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

Togetherness: a room reserved, a meal prepared, bread is broken and shared. The guest reveals his glory and blesses you with peace. Together with your friends, sharing the events of the day, what is your next step? How long will this peace last? Jesus blesses you and promises a future of tomorrows. The blessings of Christ’s love and peace are given to share today and with the future. Who is at your table? Who will be at your table tomorrow? Gather together, receive Christ, and go in peace.

20 Apr 2014

Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord (Easter Sunday), Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.” Do you still feel as if Easter “just happened”? Do you know what this day means for you? Are you still burdened by the burnt ashes of your life? Today Christ shows you the power of life with him. This day is the beginning of faith. This is the day you move on. Today, rejoice.