Homily stories

19 Sep 2010

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

International rules

The unjust steward in the gospel played by different rules than we're used to. We'd call the guy a cheat. Fortunately for him (though too bad for their customers), his boss played by the same rules.

19 Sep 2010

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

No more fooling around

Do we really think we can fool God and get away with what we know in our hearts is cruel, mean, unfair, unkind, or dishonest behavior? Sometimes our society seems to indicate that something is immoral only when we get caught. But in the depths of our hearts we know better than that.

19 Sep 2010

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Let's make a deal

What would be the spiritual parallel to what the unjust steward did in the material world?

12 Sep 2010

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Lost, found, lost again

Repentance can get complicated. There can be the reluctance and anger as well as joy. Ultimately, though, God's love and forgiveness overcome all obstacles.

12 Sep 2010

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Lost child

The tax collectors and sinners who came to listen to Jesus were people who were keenly aware they had lost their way in life. They hung on Jesus' every word. The Pharisees and scribes may have been just as lost, spiritually, but they concentrated so much on the externals of looking holy that they didn't realize anything was missing in their lives.

12 Sep 2010

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Present imperfect

None of us is perfect. There are times our actions disappoint God. The chosen people had Moses to defend them. Paul reminds us that we have Jesus who came specifically to save us. And that should be reassuring.

12 Sep 2010

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

North American idols

Though God sent Moses with the Ten Commandments, the people of Israel quickly lost their way. They returned to idols, by worshiping a golden calf. That same temptation to worship false gods is alive today.

5 Sep 2010

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Practice makes perfect

The "10,000-Hour rule" is not limited to accomplishments of people like Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, or the Beatles, but can be applied to our spiritual journey in becoming a true disciple of Jesus.

5 Sep 2010

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Love's labor lost

I watched in amazement and admiration as five men worked one scorching summer day putting a new roof on the apartment building next to mine.

5 Sep 2010

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

God knows

Like a child who thinks he or she knows more than their parents, there are times when we think we know more than God. Our prayers switch from asking for God's help to telling God what is right for us.