Homily stories

24 Jun 2012

Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, Cycle B

Something new

John the Baptist said he was making way for someone greater, and over the centuries Christians have tended to take him at his word, maybe a little too much so, seeing him as a figure who played his part and exited stage left. To think of him this way, though, is to make him into exactly the opposite of what he stood for: a radically new way to relate to God.

17 Jun 2012

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

A father’s simple sermon

I distinctly recall the day when my faith took firm root. I was 7 years old and my sisters and I had just been summoned by my dad to join him around the kitchen table while my mom fixed him dinner. It was late, around 10 p.m. Dad had been out with his buddies. Sometimes when he came home late he’d have a pack of White Castle sliders to share with us, but this night he just wanted to talk. 

10 Jun 2012

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), Cycle B

It's in the blood

A theology professor of mine used to repeat the quip, “The Letter to the Hebrews is neither”: It’s not a letter nor is it addressed to any particular group of Hebrews.It is, however, in the style of a Jewish form of sermonizing know as midrash, where the author uses scripture to interpret another scripture or religious reality.

3 Jun 2012

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Cycle B

Memory will serve you well

For those of us over a certain age, the minute we hear Paul referring to the disciples as sons of God as he does in today’s second reading, we feel the urge to break out into a refrain of “Sons of God,” a popular 1970s Communion song that was etched in every young Catholic’s memory.

27 May 2012

Solemnity of Pentecost, Cycle B

Mission central

IN THE EARLY days of the Pentecostal movement, a few of its missionaries went to foreign countries fully expecting to receive the gift of instant fluency in native tongues, just as the disciples at the original Christian Pentecost did. Needless to say they quickly realized they would have to learn the language just like everyone else.

20 May 2012

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Cycle B

Extra change

The Ascension of Jesus is about the power of change and the possibility of transformation, about a God who was willing to reach down to humanity and bring it up into divine life.

13 May 2012

Sixth Sunday of Easter, Cycle B

For the love of God, love others

We could all use a little more love. Wars, conflicts, fights, and feuds abound in our world, churches, communities, and homes. It is a scandal how little effort much of humanity and most individual humans put into loving one another. 

6 May 2012

Fifth Sunday of Easter, Cycle B

Protect your thumbs up

When we vouch for people (vouch from the Latin vocare, “to call”), we are speaking up on their behalf and bearing witness to their worthiness to join with people who respect and trust our judgment.

29 Apr 2012

Fourth Sunday of Easter; Good Shepherd Sunday, Cycle B

What's so "good" about the shepherd?

Shepherding goes back a long way in scripture. Abel was the first, and future shepherds would include an all-star list from Israelite history: Abraham, Rachel, Jacob, Moses, and David. “Shepherd” could also be a metaphor for Israelite kings, like David, or even for God.

22 Apr 2012

Third Sunday of Easter, Cycle B

A blast that lasts

When Jesus appeared to the disciples in Jerusalem after the Resurrection, he commissioned them to preach repentence and forgiveness in his name to all the nations. They embraced their charge with gusto.