Exploring the Word

1 Nov 2009

Solemnity of All Saints, Cycle B

Cleaning up your act

What does it take to be a saint in this world? Two miracles and a lot of good press? Martyrdom for the right cause? Canonization can be achieved on these terms, but it takes a bit more to be actually counted among the blessed.

25 Oct 2009

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

What the world needs now

Bartimaeus follows Jesus up the road—”on the way” in some translations, the Way being a code word for the Christian journey.

18 Oct 2009

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

An appeal in the Year for Priests

The people of God need faith-filled, wise, and joyful leaders, now as ever. The sacramental ministry is a beautiful calling, with the Eucharist providing “the source and summit” of Christian faith.

11 Oct 2009

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

A great deal—at a price you can afford

We can demonstrate that we’re on the trail of wisdom by showing humility rather than arrogance in our discernment; by seeking guidance through prayer instead of parroting commentators from network news programs.

4 Oct 2009

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

Family life, whether ancient or modern, rarely performs to the standards of its comforting advertising. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.

27 Sep 2009

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

The simplest thing

God is not complicated. At least that's what we're told in The Simple Song included in Leonard Bernstein's Mass. Love is simple to understand, and God is the simplest of all, the lyrics and music conspire to persuade us.

20 Sep 2009

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

Children welcome here

My 5-year-old nephew is already playing Mass, as Catholic children are wont to do. He holds up his cup with both hands at the supper table and delivers a string of words culled from the liturgy but arranged most creatively.

13 Sep 2009

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

The ways of love

Who wants to suffer? If anyone raises a hand, back away and call an attending physician. Suffering is not a desirable condition, and those who possess mental health not only don’t seek it, but actively avoid it.

6 Sep 2009

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

A discriminating eye

Don’t discriminate in your hearts, the great New Testament essayist James warns us. Yet by the time we hear these words most of us have been doing just that for a lifetime. We learn early to prefer the clean boy to the untidy one; the fellow citizen to the foreigner; the well-dressed woman to the one wearing a jacket that’s behind the fashion.

30 Aug 2009

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

The law within

Here’s a dichotomy of readings that invites us to think: Moses presents to the people a law that ostensibly contains the mind of God. Not a thing must be added or subtracted from it. Jesus disparages the legal experts for clinging to the law, down to the last details.